Tuesday, October 16, 2012

self reliance..

1) Discuss the meaning of the verse proceeding the essay.
Answer: You're,  You're Own person. avoid all the influences, and keep you're ideas.

2)  Looking at the entire essay, what does Emerson mean by self-reliance? Summarize his main points.
Answer: i wasn't sure.

3)What does a person realize in some moment in his or her education.
Answer: Eventually You learn that your voice and or opinion is as powerful as Obama.

4)  Interpret the following quote, " the eye was placed where one rey should fall, that it might testify of that particular rey".
answer: Emerson is talking about how people need to be themselves. They have to realize that they are different from other peopl

5) What does Emerson mean by devine idea.
answer:  That each of us represent.

6) Explain the significance of the iron string, why not silken, golden, or silver string?
answer: that you are strong as a person.

7) Define trancendentlism.
answer: to go beyond.

8)Interpret: society everywhere is in conspiracy against the man-hood of everyone of its members.
Answer: we are all on a team.. but we all have differant opinions.

9) Explain: the virtue in most request is conformity, self-reliance is its aversion.
answer: i have no clue..

10) Interpret the metaphor, " A foolish consistancy is the hob-goblin of little minds adored by little statesmen and philosophers and devines."
answer:  The more a task is performed the more a person continues to perform that task.
11)Discuss the use of the simile, "words as hard as cannon balls".
answer: words hurt..

12) Answer Emerson, write your response to the essay.

i think we just need to stop following eachother... its good to agree.. but you also have the right to your own ideas and no one has the right to take them..

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