Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ahhhh Vocabuary(:

bosom: A woman's chest.
prudently:Wise in handling practical matters 

inveterate: Having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to change.
An inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way. 

repose: Temporary rest from activity, excitement, or exertion, esp. sleep or the rest given by sleep.
stripling: A young man.
Isolate or hide away
purport: Appear or claim to be or do something, esp. falsely; profess: Claim openly but often falsely that one has (a quality or feeling): "he had professed his love for her".

imbibed: Drink 
 apparition: A ghost or ghostlike image of a person.
incessant: Continuing without pause or interruption: "the incessant beat of the music".
cognomen: an extra personal name given to an ancient Roman citizen, functioning rather like a nickname and typically passed down from father to son.
A state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream: "I slipped into reverie". gambol: Run or jump about playfully. 
spectre :apparition: a ghostly appearing figure; "we were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us".
tarry: Of, like, or covered with tar: "a length of tarry rope".
[Hessian]:  Of or relating to Hesse, its people, or their language.

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